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Premier Live Installation Assistance Service for New Customers

  • $66.00|
  • $88.00|
Premier Live Installation Assistance Service for New Customers

Would you like live 1-on-1 Laser Jump Start (LJS) Software Installation Assistance by an experienced technician? Our technicians have experience with hundreds of installations, so they can expedite the process and troubleshoot as needed.

We offer live installation assistance over the phone and through remote screen sharing software. We walk you through step-by-step to install one or multiple LJS software programs. Our technician can help resolve any issues that may arise during installation as well.


If you need live assistance or would rather have someone else handle the installation process, we can help!

Note: LJS continues to be available for ongoing support requests via email and phone; however, it could take a couple business days for us to address requests. This Live Installation option allows us to dedicate time just for you, prioritizing your installation as soon as possible.

Once your programs are installed, we can process your Access Code over the phone so you can start using your LJS programs as quickly as possible.


Benefits to You:

  • Live Installation guidance by an experienced LJS technician.

  • LJS technician will walk you though each step and take over if needed to complete your LJS software installation.

  • Expedite the installation process.

  • If some compatibility or technical issues arise during installation, our LJS technician can help resolve the issue live.

  • Available for all LJS main programs: BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite, FrameIt Suite, NameIt Suite, ARTWelder and WrapIt.

  • Available for all LJS template packages.

  • Provided Through the Internet Using Screen Sharing Software.



After purchase, we'll coordinate with you for scheduling your installation. Generally, we can schedule installations within 1-Business Day for reference.


Once all of your LJS programs are installed you may want to schedule a training session, check out our Live One-On-One Advanced Training offer below!


Live One-on-One Advanced Training page!

Premier Live Installation Assistance Service for New Customers


Premier Live Installation Assistance Service for New Customers


Best quality

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Would you like live 1-on-1 Laser Jump Start (LJS) Software Installation Assistance by an experienced technician? Our technicians have experience with hundreds of installations, so they can expedite the process and troubleshoot as needed.

We offer live installation assistance over the phone and through remote screen sharing software. We walk you through step-by-step to install one or multiple LJS software programs. Our technician can help resolve any issues that may arise during installation as well.


If you need live assistance or would rather have someone else handle the installation process, we can help!

Note: LJS continues to be available for ongoing support requests via email and phone; however, it could take a couple business days for us to address requests. This Live Installation option allows us to dedicate time just for you, prioritizing your installation as soon as possible.

Once your programs are installed, we can process your Access Code over the phone so you can start using your LJS programs as quickly as possible.


Benefits to You:

  • Live Installation guidance by an experienced LJS technician.

  • LJS technician will walk you though each step and take over if needed to complete your LJS software installation.

  • Expedite the installation process.

  • If some compatibility or technical issues arise during installation, our LJS technician can help resolve the issue live.

  • Available for all LJS main programs: BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite, FrameIt Suite, NameIt Suite, ARTWelder and WrapIt.

  • Available for all LJS template packages.

  • Provided Through the Internet Using Screen Sharing Software.



After purchase, we'll coordinate with you for scheduling your installation. Generally, we can schedule installations within 1-Business Day for reference.


Once all of your LJS programs are installed you may want to schedule a training session, check out our Live One-On-One Advanced Training offer below!


Live One-on-One Advanced Training page!